Getting First Fish Tonight Or Tomorrow!!!


Just to let you guys and gals know...I am getting my first fish tomorrow for my tank...I am going to get a pair of Perc's....I have a ? though..I know how much everyone here including myself dispices of ***** in some way, but would it be alright if I bought them there...if they dont have ick and are acting great? Cuz the only other place that sells Swf here in Fargo North Dakota is like a 20 minute drive and my parents won't take me up there? And is it ok if I have Diatoms still they wont hurt my fish will they?


IMO, it is a big risk getting any SW fish from *****. But if you want to take the chance...
Diatoms are ok, as long as your nitrates are in control.


Yes, all of my levels have been purrrrfect for about 1 to 1.5 weeks now....but why would it be dangerous if they are doing good in the tank? So what should I do...right now in my tank I have 1 pep shrimp, 12 astrea snails, 1 red leg scarlet crab, and 2 bumble bee snails...I am wondering would it be too fast to get more than 2 things at get a pair of perc's and somethign else at the same maybe a lawmower blenny or some type of goby, or maybe a six line wrasse?? Ne suggestions are welcomed!


IMO, if the fish look healthy and are eating i would get them, i bought 2 marron clowns from ***** and they are doing great.


Shrimp, I would not get them at *****. My brother bought me a Butterfly fish from there that looked perfectly healthy at the store. Well, guess what, it has ick now!!
But if it's the only place around, go for it, just make sure you are prepared, just in case!


I say go for it. I'm not a big fan of ***** myself, but the the ***** by me seems to have some decent livestock. If they are aquacultured, they will proably do just fine.


Dont get more than the 2 clowns for now. More than that will burden the bioload on your tank. A good rule of thumb is 1 month between adding livestock. And check your H2O parameters frequently!