Getting live rock


I have just set my 80 gal tank and have it filled with tap water right now. I am also using cc. My question is...
should I drain the water and start all over with RO? (Tank has only been up less that 2 days)
should I add lr right away or wait till the water is correct?
Is the cc alright to use with lr?
Also, I washed the cc pretty good before putting it in the tank, but it seemed to make the water extremly cloudy. Is this normal?
Sorry for the extreme newb questions. Thanks


Active Member
newbee here myself, but IMO i would drain your tanks take out the CC and put in LS and use RO water or distilled water ...


RO/Distiled/Filtered water is nice.
I started my 40 Gallon with tap water and put some starter chemical in it. Waited 24 hours then added Live Sand.
CC is nice, but LS will give you a much better Bacterial filter.
LR, Add that once your water has settled enough to beable to place it nicely.
Make sure you get your LR in the right place first time. Moving it once the tank is established it a real pain in the neck.
I belive using tap water to "Start" with is fine. But after that, use RO/Filtered water for water changes. Tap water isnt going to cause much damage to a tank that hasent cycled yet.


Active Member
wait until the water temp is up to where your gonna keep it, say 77-81 ... keep mine at 79


What I did was this: First added saltwater or water and salt mix, waited until the water temp was up to 77 and salt levels were good. Then I added half of my live sand. After that I added all live rock that I will ever use in my case about 90 lbs of bali rock which weighs less than most but very costly and also my rock was fully cured. Then I added the rest of the live sand. This tank Is still cyclying about 3 weeks now. Good luck too you!!


I bought it cured... if you did not..look up on the internet how to cure live rock... cause it will take me forever to explain how to do it... good luck.... next time if you buy live fully cured live rock.... more money but less work.....


Originally Posted by saltyreef7
I bought it cured... if you did not..look up on the internet how to cure live rock... cause it will take me forever to explain how to do it... good luck.... next time if you buy live fully cured live rock.... more money but less work.....
I havnt bought the lr yet. Thanks for all the advice. I feel better now about my setup. I also found a place that is on a pier in San Diego, where I live, thats get sea water from the ocean and filters it to clean saltwater for free. Just bring your buckets and take all you want. I am ging to check this out in the morning to see if it is true.


Hehe. Iv yet to find a LFS that sells uncured LR.
Both my sources only deal with Cured.
The owner of one gets irritated though. They get low on rock in the sales tank and someone will come in looking for 50 or 100 LBS of rock, and he doesnt have it avalbile, even though its sitting in the back... HEHE.