getting liverock ?'s


I was going to get 10 pounds of liverock but first I would like to know what , besides calcium( other elements) needs to be added weekly in order to sustain the liverock and its creatures and make it bloom. Any and all names of these additives would be greatly appreciated.
Next, How do I go about putting it into the aquarium. I know i need to get it cured but what else.
And lastly, I think thats it. Anything else I should know please feel free to sned me an email @ Thanks in advance :help: :happyfish


Active Member
Live rock requires NOTHING to be added. Do not add anything you cannot test for. If you are getting it locally, just plop it in. If you are getting it shipped then it will have die off on it. Search "curing live rock".


see now the guy at the lfs, said i need special bulbs, 10k, or 50/50 Calcium, purple up and something that begins with an S, also Iodine.... The total came to like 200 bucks with $60 of it being live rock.


Active Member
I had cheapo walmart lights on my 55 gallon and my live rock done just fine. Great coraline growth too. Thats why you ask here 1st and then buy there if you HAVE to. Also, what are they asking per pound?


6.99 per pound and if you get 10 pounds or more then its 5.99 pound. I have eclipse natural daylight bulbs on my tank its a 125 and moonlight bulbs for at night. Is this good enough. I know i am basically asking the same question but I just want to be sure. So you all are saying no special lights and no additives such as calcium or purple up or iodine or anything?


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
6.99 per pound and if you get 10 pounds or more then its 5.99 pound
Not a bad price... As long as you have a good salt mix there is no need to add any additives/supplements.. EVER
All you need to grow good coraline is good parameters, calcium 400-450, and weekly/biweekly waterchanges
with a good quality salt.. all trace elements you need are in there...


is there a test kit that tests for calcium? Cause it isnt in the one I have. How does the calcium in the tank get in there? I know these probly seem like stupid questions....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ghostiroc
is there a test kit that tests for calcium? Cause it isnt in the one I have. How does the calcium in the tank get in there? I know these probly seem like stupid questions....
Atleast you are asking. Thats important. Calcium is in the salt mix. Those lights should be fine. They do sell calcium test kits by themselves.


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
is there a test kit that tests for calcium? Cause it isnt in the one I have. How does the calcium in the tank get in there? I know these probly seem like stupid questions....
Nope.. not stupid at all
Yes, there are many test kits for calcium.. some brands offer "reef kits" which usually include calcium, phosphate, and nitrate... sometimes iodine and magneseum. The first 3 are most important IMO. Calcium can be introduced by 2 main ways... by the salt mix you provide, or by using additives like purple up or other calcium buffers. The safest way to do is to just buy a good quality "reef" salt. using additives can cause big problems if not used correctly.. so IMO.. a good salt is A LOT easier.


Originally Posted by ghostiroc
We use instant Ocean... is that good quality. I hope so cause it sure costs a bunch if its CRAP
Lol.. i wouldn't say its REAL bad... but it won't give you good calcium.. if any. For about the same price im sure you can buy a GREAT reef salt to give you good results. I use SeaChem reef salt and have gotten excellent results for quite some time now. I just bought another 150 gallons worth online for just $43.48 including shipping
Yours prolly cost just a few bucks less....


well i will keep them in mind for the next bucket, but until then what do I do? Use an additive? I just opened this bucket and started using it. So until the next bucket, waste not want not I am stuck with it.


Nope, i wouldn't add anything.... calcium is a must for corals and clams... your liverock will do fine without it.. just won't see much growth. Your bucket will last just a short time.... then order the new salt. heck.. 150 gallons worth only lasts me about 2 months, feel sorry for those guys with multiple tanks..