Getting Married.......Selling Toys.


Active Member
I just posted in the classifieds about some things I have for sale...........sorry to post here but, I believe this is the forum I need for more sets of eyes. Please take a look.......thanx.


Active Member
My husband sold his toys before we got married and his toys have gotten bigger since we got married. In 4 years we have gone though 3 vetts. keep them


Active Member
Hey Azonic-
I am sure that even in Canada there is a perfectly good convenient store near you that you could rob to buy my MiniDV.
rye. don't do it mannnn!:rolleyes: is it because you need the cash or the stuff won't fit where you're moving to? what is she selling/giving away on behalf of the marriage?:p :cool:
i ended up giving away my '70 b/b r/t challenger for cheap because i didn't have enough garage space when i got married.:( :( but now with 5 boys, i'll be able to justify having a cool project car to work on (;) :p)

reef fool

Active Member
Let's take up a collection for him, so the kid don't havta sell his toy's! IT JUST AIN"T RIGHT!!! :eek:


Active Member
Getting married is the time to buy toys! After I got married (2nd time) I managed to save enough money to upgrade my toys.
Before Marriage: 1997 WS6 Transam
After Marriage: 2001 530i BMW, 2002 Corvette

Having fun with the toy:

Good luck with the marriage. Also keep in mind that planning for new toys is almost as much fun as getting them so dream big!
Tangman :D


Active Member
Hey guys........thanx for the suggestions but, I am the one who has decided to sell this me.....I have more. I think that once you reach $20,000 in camera equipment alone you are ready to get rid of a couple of items. Just trying to save a little extra cash for our house we are looking at.
BTW- I really like the idea of taking up a collection for me. Thanx ReefFool.


Rye if I weren't in the middle of expensive tank construction I'd pick up some of that equipment in a heartbeat! I assume that $10 a month for the rest of my life is out of the question huh? Damn, okay then, since you're getting married, how bout I work a trade with you, I'll give you one 12 year old girlchildmonsterfromhell and one 15 year old boychildmonsterfromhell for any two of those cameras :rolleyes: Just think of all the time and trouble you'd save, no midnight feedings, no crying in the restaurant, no constant doctor visits!! My God man, it's a heck of a deal!
Congrats and best of luck dude!
I just got married in May '02 and I got to keep the Vette and the SW fish what a deal!!!!! ya for me! j/k
I feel your pain when it comes to the money crunch of weddings. It only gets worse!
Really though, I am a newlywed and I am not affraid to admit that I am enjoying every minute.
ps. I would help you out but I am drowning in debt and my wife refuses to work, I have my fish on food stamps for heaven sakes. Ain't married life grand! Just kidding by the way.


Active Member
$20,000 in camera equipment :eek: Wow! I hope it's more than just a hobby!
Congrats on getting married! I going on 4 years now this time around. :p


:p Congrats!!!
We'll be celebrating our 5th anniversary on the 15th, and I'll admit it's been the best 5 years, and looking forward to many more happy years.
Hope your's goes the same!:)