Getting more predatory fish


After my lionfish died from an injury from chasing the damsels around and my puffer dying from unknown causes.I now only have a Humu picassio trigger and damsels in my tank.But I still plan on getting more fish for it.This is the list of fish I hope to get:
1)Volitans lionfish
2)Miniatus grouper
3)Niger triggerfish
4)Porcupine pufferfish
5)Dog faced pufferfish
6)Yellow headed moray
7)Coral catshark or stingray(California or blue spotted)


New Member
I'm new and wanting to get into a salt water shark tank. Been looking and researching a lot on coral cat sharks and other smaller cat species. What is a ballpark monthly upkeep cost for these guys once the tank and everything is set up?


Well-Known Member
Most puffers are venomous. If a shark attempted to make a meal of the puffer, toxins would be released that could wipe out everything in the tank.


New Member
I'm not sure on puffers realising toxins I know box fish do. But from what I've read and been told puffers and triggers are not good tank mates for cat sharks or rays since they peek at their eyes and fins.