Getting my Oynx clownfish thursday, Any tips!!?


Active Member
The first thing I would recommend is taking pics for us so we can see it :) I like those things.
I'd also take extra care in the acclimation process since they're WAY expensive.


Originally Posted by swiftskater1
Lol. 2 percs. And then the oynx. Im about to upgrade to 32 gal
Let me make a suggestion.....DO NOT buy fish UNTIL AFTER you have upgraded....that tank will have to cycle too.....and there is no sense stressing these fish out with multiple moves


Active Member
I'd agree. It seems there may be a few things you should really learn before hopping full force into the hobby. We all learn here. Take your time.. it's a slow paced hobby.

shrimpy brains

3 fish are not too many, but 3 clowns is a disaster! 1 won't live! Sorry, is there anything else you can do with the onyx? Can you cancel the order?


Originally Posted by swiftskater1
Hmm, I will check into it. What if i were to do 4? like 2 and 2. So they have pairs :) really can not mix clowns....especially in a small tank....I have a 225g with 2 percs, and I would never dream of getting any other clowns.....
are you keeping the 12G? Why not get the 32 set up....and keep a pair in that, and the single in the 12
it's an option

shrimpy brains

Meowzer is right! You don't want to put more than 2 Clowns in a tank and they need to be the same!
If they are very young, you might be ok for a little bit, but I doubt it,
especially in that small of a tank!
Most likely, the percs will kill the Onyx.