Getting out fish

HELP! My husband is about to float a beer can and get a fishing pole and some bait. We have tried everything to get our four "cycle" fish (three green chromis and one domino damsel) out. No luck! We bought a trap from They are looking at us like "yeah, right." We tried to net them and they just hide behind the LR. We do not want to take down the LR, but do not know what else to do. Suggestions??


good luck, i'm trying to get out a bi color blenny that is picking at my acros. Tomorrow when i get home from work all the lr is coming out if it has to. I don't want to lose any of my coral. I cut a soda bottle in half and put the top inside the bottom so the opening is almost at the bottom with some food in it. This might work better for a blenny. Its my own little fish trap but it looks like my cuke will be the first one to get trapped.
Chromises are cool, safe, and calm. Why would you want to take these out? Are you reefing? If you are they should be fine. As for the other damsel, I say you should take him out.


Active Member

Originally posted by Lebowski
I use a very patient method. I simply leave a net lying there with the handle ready. I let the fish come out as if there is nothing going on, as they swim closer I swoosh and pull towards the glass to trap em in and then take them.

I've spent months trying to use that method to catch some Yellow Tail Damsels with no sucess.
I do recommend you try 'The Trap.' This is a small device which you set into your aquarium. Theres a lever, and a small string. You should leave "The Trap" in the aquarium for at least 48hrs prior to using it. This way, the fish will get a chance to get used to it in their tank. Once the time is up, take 'The Trap' out of the aquarium, and add in some bait (Blood worms, krill, squid, shrimp, etc.), stick 'The Trap' back into the same spot as it was, and wait. Hold the string in your hand. Once your fish swims into 'The Trap,' pull the string, and the lever will swing down, trapping the fish. It's very easy to use, and quite cheap. I don't think i'm allowed to meantion a site where you could get it for cheap, but i'll say that most LFS's have them for about $20.00
...but, there's always that method with using the coke bottle. I haven't used this myself, so i'll let someone else answer about that.
4x power heads, 50lbs Live Rock, 60lbs live sand.
3x Green Chromis
1x Yellow Tang
1x Hippo Tang
1x Tomato Clown
1x Domino Damsel
12x Hermits (blues and reds)
16x Astrea snails
1x Feather Duster
1x Anemone Crab
I would actually try to get those tangs out of the tank too. They don't do well in smaller sized aquariums. They do best in aquariums larger than 75 gallons, where there's room to graze around for algae. Both will grow quite huge, and I recommend you get them out sooner rather than later.
I say get rid of the Domino Damsel rather than the Green Chromis (generally a less aggressive species of chromis). They can be quite beautiful fish, and quite disirable in many aquariums. But, it's all up to you.
Graham :)


I say take out the rock. Thats what i decided to do. I couldn't wait any longer. My sps frags were going to be destroyed and i already took down the other tank. That little sob blenny was tough to catch. You can afford to be patient though so give the trap more time.
Yeah we got a trap. The fish won't go near it except at feeding time when they swim into it. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. We fed them because they weren't going after the "bait."


New Member
Just posted a response to "Things we regret adding?" by Cicely. Please reference, you might find it helpful.


New Member
We've got a 150gal reef, and in getting started transferred all the inhabitants from my fish only tank into the reef. Very shortly after realized my mistake. In response to getting these "mistakes" out of a reef, here's some information that may help....
I've tried everything from buying "The Trap" by UltraLife Reef for $45.99 ... NOT! Waiting patiently with a net for hours for a fish to wander by.... Fishing hooks with bait.... Nothing worked.
At my LFS, I ran into a brilliant guy who let me in on a little secret. Fish can't see the color RED. So here's what you do. Go a couple of days so the fish are real hungry. Wait for night. Prepare fish food. Add it to the front of the tank with all the pumps off so the food stays at the front. When the fish start on their feeding frenzy shut off every light in the house (inside and out). Its gotta be pitch black. Then turn on a red light. Flashlight with a red filter in front works fine too. You'll be able to see the fish, and they wont be able to see you. You'll be able to net out the target fish. Always start the net low, and come up from under the fish.
I've had very good luck with this method, to date pulled out a Trigger, two Tomato Clowns, a puffer, 3 brittle stars, and other assorted little guys that should never have been added to my reef.
Good luck and hope this works for you...

tahoe ocean

I've also used the empty soda bottle method (mine was Pepsi:p )
It worked but did take a bit of time. The hole was small enough that I was able to lift it before the fish found his way out. And I used a hunk of clam meat as bait so he had to gnaw on it and got distracted.
Good luck! Happy fishing!

sunken ship

Those are great ideas. I have a couple of Domino Damsels that i want to get out of my tank and they are being a pain. I'll have to try that coke bottle method. Wish me luck.