Getting out


65gal Seaclear (black back) 4ft tank
matching Unstained Stand and Canopy
55wattx2 36" 10k & actinic 03 lights
Dual 175watt Metal halides with 20k bulbs
CPR CR900 Sumo (not installed yet)
Knights Digital Dosing Pump
100lbs Live Sand
30lbs LR Coraline allover.
AquaClear 301 Powerheads (2)
AquaClear 402 Powerhead (1)
Wife said that enough is enough, so Im getting out completely so Im not going to trade for any more SW gear.
Nor can I separate this setup since its all up and running..
Im looking to trade it all for a PENN International 30SW or 50SW reel with a descent trolling rod.
So email me to discuss


well sale is pending on the intersted party showing up tonight, il will keep you posted...
BTW what are you interested in...


New Member
It depends on the prices. Also, do you have any pictures? And how long have you had the lights? What type of LR?


halides are 4 months old with Coralvue 20ks
PC are at leat 1 yr old nad bulbs are 2 months old...
Sorry no digi cam ...