Getting rid of copper?


Hey guys, the other night i moved everything over to the new tank. two snails, mushrrom and polyp rock, and a couple of fragged corals. this was about two days ago. now the corals aren't looking too good, and the snails aren't moving as good as they were. i am either thinking that i have copper (old building) or low calcium levels. i think i am going to move them back to the other tank until i get the problems figured out. if i do have copper, how do i get rid of them. also how do i boost calcium the right way, not too fast?
The only sure way to check for copper is to test and if so you would be best advised to RO/DI at a friends that does not have old copper piping, or buy RO/DI water from the store. IMO. Copper, even in small quantities is toxic to inverts and impossible to remove copmletely from the substrate and LR. As for Calcium, buy a calcium supliment such as Kent Turbo Calcium or a comparitable brand and keep working to raise the level with tank water (not in water change water).


according to the ***** alkalinity and ph test kit, the alk is at th enormal to high range. so from what i have been reading, the calcium should be ok
Alk and calcium are functions of each other, BUT does not mean that the other is correct if the first one is correct. :scared: