Getting rid of UGF!


Hey thanks for asking, Thomas. I have had no problems at all since getting rid og that UGF! The water quality has stayed very good. It always looks clear and clean! I just added a preskimmer attachment to the bak pak. My foam production has stopped. My guess is that the box has to break in, just like the bak pak needed to. There was a film on the water surface that the skimmer alone couldn't get.
The live rock is "growing". Coraline is popping out all over the rocks! I also figured out that I have what looks like a mussle in one of the rocks. It will close up if I get where it can see me! Also, there is something else growing out of the rock, but I'm not sure what it is. One is brown the other is green, maybe mushrooms? They are small so it's hard for me being new at this to figure it out. I will start a new link with a pic when I get them downloaded off my camera.
I just bought a royal gramma and have him in Qt. Can't wait to get him into the big tank.
Thanks again


Active Member
Your tank is look really good. I love how new tanks look so clean. Keep posting the picts for us.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by 737mech
I was surprised when LFS tested a h2o sample for phosphates. They told me there were none in the sample? This still hasn't changed my mind about pulling the UGF out. My LFS is having a sale this weekend so, I'll get my rock then. I'll let you know how things go.
Thanks for all your help.

I suggest that fast growing macro algaes would very quickly reduce your nitrate problem and reduce (or eliminate) the unwanted algaes.
But after I posted this I was your pictures. Looks like your tank is doing very well.


Hey 737mech,
I also have a 38 gallon with 3 damsels and a clown. I have UGF right now but within the next day or two I plan on makin the conversion to a DSB. Can you kinda give me instructions step-by-step on how you did the replacement and such?


I hope I can remember everything that I did. I'm currently recovering from foot surgery, so I hope this makes sense to you. Pain killers!
Anyway, I bought a new rubbermaid trash can. Make sure that you rinse it out good and dry it. I then siphoned the water into the trash can.
WHen I had about 4 in. of water above the substrate, I removed all the hiding places big shells and fake plants that were in there. I removed the fish and put them in a 5 gal bucket (that I always use for the tank). I tossed in a airstone and let that run while until I was ready to put them back in.
The tank that I had gotten from someone else had a lot of green sludge that I tried my best to get rid of while I did the switch. Once I got most of the water out, I slowly remove the UGF. You can wipe the inside glass off while you are there if you like with a clean rag.
I had bought a bunch of LR and a bag of LS. I then arranged the rock and added the LS. After that I pumped the saved water back into the tank, trying not to aggitate the sand too much. I also had some aged saltwater standing by to make up for the water that I threw out.
I turned on my filter and phs and let things settle down. I know I waited a few hours before I put the clowns back in. I never saw a cycle and the fish are still with me today.
It really wasn't hard. It did however take an afternoon. So give yourself plenty of time. If it were me, I would be tempted to trade the damsels back in while you have them out. They will be difficult to catch with the LR in the tank.


Alright, I did all you told me except I think I stirred up the sand a little much and it is really murky right now.. but slowly slowly clearing up.. What should I run in the tank to help it clear up? Protein Skimmer? Powerheads? I put the LR back in, but can't see it in the tank. Will it settle with time? How Long?


Time will clear it up just fine.
You can also run some filter cartridge or filter floss.
Some say carbon will help, I have my doubts about that.
Sounds like you did a good job, good luck and let us know how things are in a couple of days.


Alright, my tank has just about de-clouded.. I can now see through all the way and all my fish and inverts survived. WOOHOO! Anyways, Should I be running my SeaClone 100 right now? Cus when i do, it seems to stir the clouds up a little bit still.


That will happen until the smaller particles settle down and get completely coated/ or recoated with bacteria.
You can run it if you want or leave it for another couple of days totally up to you, either way it shouldn't hurt a thing.


Thanks for bumping this thread up. It answers a few of my questions definitely!
I have the cloudiness mentioned. It's been like 12 hours and I'm pretty concerned, but the report above looks like the cloudiness persisted for 2 days.
I'm thinking I have the wrong kind of reef sand. I'll most likely have this type of cloudiness after every vaccuuming.