Getting started again in Central Florida


New Member
I used to have a 30 gal SW for about 6 years (1979-85). Now I am feeling the bug again. I have been doing a lot of research lately and am taking notes on all the new concepts. I would like to creat a nice LR & LS set up. I was thinking around 65-75G. With limited resouces to start out, about $300, I imagine going used would be the best route for me. All advice will be apreciated. Are acrylics better than glass? Won't they scratch easy and cloud up? Local help would be cool too. Thanks.


how central. .like brevard county cenrtal. i live in merritt island and i recently set up a 30gal. good size to start i think. if u wanna save cash id say build one.. my dad helped build some out of 1/4" plexiglass for a dentist office one time..both plexiglass and acrylics do sctrach but so does glass.. and how rough ca u be on them. just dont put you rock so close to the glass.. if u still have the 30gal u could adapt it to be a sump.. or qt.. good luck


New Member
Thanks for the input. My situation has dramatically changed from yesterday(1/11/06). I found a 65g Live rock, live sand complete setup for $300. It has a wood stand, bio ball sump, skimmer and 3 PC light hoods. It is a 3 year old setup. I thought it was a good deal so I jumped on it. She gave me a lot of extra stuff, too. I left about about 6" of water in the tank. Now I have to fill the tank without killing the LS & LR. I have a carbon filter under my sink. Will That remove the chlorine from city water? Does anybody know about how long I have to get it running before it dies?


im not sure about the rock but i dont think the carbon filter will get rid of the chlorine. u can use the sun to remove the chlorine from city water naturally but there are other things in city water to worry about. also, many water treatment plants now use hydro chrloride which is does not deplete like chlorine. i would find out from a lfs or something.


Whoa, man. READ this need RO water for a fish tank and you can't add fish or anything until your tank is cycled.
Read the archives and use the Search button, it's always been good to me :)


New Member
OK, I'm Whoa-ing. I just got hte setup today and I was planning to start tomorrow. I am reading and getting as much info as I can. I wasn't planning to get the setup this quick. So, I need about 50g of pure water before I even start. That's going to be tough. I'll do a search. In the meantime if anyone in Orlando has or knows of where I can get some let me know. Thanks again!


New Member
So, now I am going out to get an RO/DI unit and a decent air pump to keep the water in the tank from getting stagnant. My substrate is divided by a screen the has a coarse bottom layer and a fine upper layer. Total depth is about 3'. Is that a correct substrate for a LR?


Active Member
go to walwart and use there ro/di unit. if you think 50 gallons of water is hard to come by you might be in the wrong hobby. Ever month you will need to do water changes of atlest 10% and not having a source to get ro/di water will be a big problem, ALso u said you left the LS and 6" of water in your tank once you moved it? Thats sound like a little to much weight to move in a tank next time if you do that watch out you mihgt crack your tank. ALso if you messed with the LS and mixed it all up then you will have to cycle your tank whcih can be anywhere from 4-6 weeks atleast. But i would look at wehre you can get water and also do alot of research b4 you jump back in to it alot of things have changed and you will need to make sure you dont use tap water. Unless you get your self an ro/di unit.


Active Member
also having sand and crushed coralis a bad idea. and will cause your levels to always be high. also you dont need an air pump you need powerheads, i would look at what everyone has in a set up before you start buying. Powerheads,skimmer, a good heater, and also want to get new bulbs for you lighting. Since you dont know how old they are. Well good luck but make sure you check out other tanks to get ideas it will save alot of time and money


New Member
Thanks, Littlebuck. I realize that I will always be needing pure water and that's why I'll buy an RO/DI right away. I found an ---- seller who lives nearby and he has a system for about $75. I am getting an airpump to put in the tank until I get the the RO hooked up and get the water right. I figure I could always use the airpump for a small quarantine tank and for keeping water ready for topping off and changes. The tank was heavy and I was lucky not to have damaged it. The sub I have will not be suitable? She said the top layer was LS. It looks like just finer crushed coral to me. You recommend removing it all?


Active Member
Alot of LFS here in fla sell sea water for .50 cents per gallon. Right out of the ocean. Go get yourself a few new gas cans and go buy some water. Its easy, its natral and you dont need to mix anything. heat it to the right temp and drop it in. A few hours later the dust settles and you can replace the rock. Let it will cuz the rock was out of water and you have one nice tank. :cheer:


New Member
Sure, it's natural. Along with a billion other comtaminants, parasites, etc. Thanks, but I think I'll still get the RO/DI. It's a lot easier that lugging 10 5g gas cans around.


i like the natural seawater idea. there is a fish store in rockledge called "The Fish Store" they are a family owned place and i have had pretty good experience with them. i know rpckledge is a long way to go but they do sell nutri-seawater.. that pour in and cycle for 24 hours stuff. thats what i used in my tank. i didnt have any problems till i added rock.. but that was my fault. good luck. let us know how it works out.


New Member
Thanks For the help. I did get a RO/DI because I'm obviously am going to need water on a regular basis and I could also use it (pre DI) for drinking. Everything's cool, for the moment. lol