Getting started shortly


Hello All,
I've been reading through this forum for a few months now. I have decided to start my first SW tank. I have a 46g bow front on order and I am putting in 50lbs of cured LR. My local dealer is going to help with the setup and teach me how to maintain the levels.
Since I am a beginner and new to this, what do you suggest I start studying up on? I plan on migrating to a reef tank SLOWLY. I was told to crawl before I run. This board has helped alot already!
Thanks for your time and patience.


Active Member
Hey, welcome. Just wanted to say that you are right about needing to crawl. However, in this hobby, we never get to a run. Patience and research is key from the beginning to end, from novice to expert. Sorta makes sense, since we are trying to recreate the most stable and largest ecosystem in the world, and fit it in our living room. I'd suggest getting the book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Sorry, I don't remember the author, but it won't be hard to find. I'm sure everyone will agree its a pretty good authority to turn to, as well as a good read.

david s

welcome to the board DP first thing I would do is research stuff before you buy it that will save your some $$ down the road for more corals IMO ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU BUY STUFF I wasted alot of doe in the beginng with wrong advise from a few lfs


Active Member
just to re-say what David said, ask questions before you purchase something, but don't ask your LFS (unless they have proven themselves knowledgable and trustworthy). The employees there tend to fall into 2 types. 1- they know what they are doing, but will lie to you so they can make money on things you don't need and/or will die. 2- they don't know what they are talking about but can't admit that so they BS to you, giving you wrong guesses told as if they are gospel. Ask questions here, you'll seldom be led astray :)