getting started with corals


I am wanting to start getting some corals for my tank BUT I want to do proper research first. Anyone have any recommendations on where to start? good books to get or websites to visit?
This is what i currently have:
55 gal tank with 75lbs live rock
2-emporer 400 filters
protein skimmer
right now i have a 260W pc lighting system but i am planning on upgrading that to a T5 fixture in the next month or two
2 false perc clowns (wild)
1 molly
1 rbta
blue leg hermits
red leg hermits
5 emerald crabs
1 sally lightfoot crab
tubo snails
nassarius snails
2 cleaner clams
1 coral banded shrimp
(i am also kind of planning of ridding my tank of most of the hermits and the emeralds and going with mainly snails instead before i add corals)
I have been testing PH, ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates and all are in good shape. I am also wondering what else i need to be testing for and adjusting before i get corals. Any help/advice is much appreciated!!!


New Member
Do also test alkalinity, calcium, salinity/specific gravity. I also periodically check magnesium.
Books: Julian Sprung, Corals, A Quick Reference Guide
Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung, The Reef Aquarium, Vol 1 - 3
Michael S. Paletta, The New Marine Aquarium, Step-by-Step Setup & Stocking Guide
Jeffrey Kurtz, The Simple Guide to Marine Aquariums
Online: Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, Google a bit and you'll find loads of sites all with great info.


Active Member
Good start there! I have T-5's (nova extreme pro) on my 55 and all my corals are doing well. Definately want to check and keep up on calcium and alk. While your saltwater will privide enough for to K'keep" corals, if you want them to thrive, you will have to dose calcium, but only after testing.
Any reason you are getting rid of the hermits? You might want to keep just a few of them on hand for cleanup purposes. Mine don't bother my corals, but they sure do like to eat the snails!


i bought one of the clean up crew packages. i think i have way too many hermits. i really like snails. Apparently my hermits like them a snack! What does your clean up crew consist of for your 55? i am glad to hear that the nova extreme pro does well for your corals. that is the lighting system i had pretty much decided on getting.