getting the prizm to pump up a little higher


Active Member
a prizm fits perfectly in my sump. only the intake doesnt reach the water level.
I added a 4 inch peice of rubber house to it, it can successfully pump up when its on setting 1 but when you set it to skim mode it loses the suction.

cap'n pete

Sounds like it's sucking air where the tube is connected to the riser tube. I'm assuming you put it on with friction and didn't silicone it? Check the connection. BTW, it's done... shipping tomorrow! ;)


Active Member
Cool, thanks
nope, didnt silicone it. should i?
would that make a big differnce?
I put a rio 200 on the bottom of it and it is now pumping the water up there. is this good? bad?
going to put a valve on the rio to reg the flow though
do you think siliconing the 5 inch additional tube will work, and the prizm will have enough strength to pump straight up like that?
ive doubled the length of the skimmers intake, so its now about 12 inches including the regular length.
What do you think?
dont forget i need some instructions!

cap'n pete

I would think the pump should have enough to pull up that far. I wrote Red Sea about how my Prizm sucked and was told to raise it 1" to 3" up to decrease the bubbles back into the tank! As far as pumping water into it... I wouldn't think that would be recommended. I would think you would have to get it just perfect in order to get good foam (oh's a Prizm... what foam!)