
Man!!! I have spent a lot of money and time in the saltwater hobby. It is my favorite thing to do when I get home from work. I really enjoy it. But i am starting to get very discouraged. I have had major ick problems, filter problems, and lots of fish deaths. I have learned a lot in the process but still knowing all that I do now it still happends. I have my tank fully cycle. my water tests show good water quality and still I loose fish it is getting very expensive!!!!!! I have 2 55 gallon tanks and a 30 gallon all SW tanks I just started to cycle my 30 gallon tank with some damsels. I put two yellow taild damsels and a domino damsel in there. the next day the domino was dead. the next day I bought another one the same night it died. The yellow tailed damsels are o.k. what is it with these domino damsels. the only thing I can think of is I started treating my tank with greenex because it is supposed to be invert safe. I think that it might have some effect of domino's and a few other fish. I don't know anymore! :( please give me some advice.
55gallon 55 gallon
eheim wet/dry 2227 fluval 404
fluval 404 emporer 400 bio wheel
power head power head/power filter
power filter maroon clown
prizm protein skimmer just finished cycleing
yellow tang
clarki clown 30 gallon
curlycue anenome undergravel filter
crab,snail peguin bio wheel
2 power heads/power filter


How do you acclimate your fish? Do you have live rock or live sand? DId you add the damsel while your tank was cycling?


Active Member
you need to set up a qt tank... i know that most people see a fish, buy it and wanna toss it in the display tank.. but well something goes wrong... it becomes a real pain then
i just used a rubbermaid container (12/15 gall) and tossed a filter/heater in it and do hypo on all new fish


actually this 30 gallon tank is going to be my qt. I am just waiting for it to cycle. Maybee I should use dead shrimp or something else to cycle it. what do you think of undergravel filters for saltwater tanks?


thanks a lot for your suggestions you have no idea how much I appreciate help and suggestions. I don't know what I would do without message boards like these. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the saltwater hobby. I just wish I could keep good healthy fish. I have learned a lot in the last couple of months I think I am up to par. You are right about just adding slowly. That was one of my biggest problems I was use to FW. now i will add one fish at a time and wait 2 weeks before adding another one. I will also QT all fish. I hope I will never have ick like I did. Another thing I will do is do research before purchaseing a fish or invert so I can be able to give it the proper care. I don't just want to have fish survive I want them to thrive, be as happy as possible considering they are out of their elements. what do you guys think of undergravel filters for SW I have heard good and bad things. I would think that they would be great for bacteria. But I can see how it can get crap under the plate and cause problems. Another thing for me is i am going to get LR. well thanks again for your time and concern.


Active Member
ive used under gravel in my old tank, and never again will i.. no benifits compared to a deep sand bed.. they one look better, and aid in filtration
also get a good clean up crew and its self cleaning ehehe


Yes, use dead shrimp from the food store for your cycle. The ammonia levels during the spike of a cycle are deadly. Using live fish for the cycle is sort of an old thing, I think most people go with a dead source now, works better and its much friendlier to the fish. ;-)
While there are a lot of specifics that could be pointed out I think the first and most immediate thing to do is SLOW DOWN ;)
Do not add anymore livestock or medication.
Identify all of your problems in each of your tanks or provide symptoms so others can help. Try to organize the problems specific to each tank (ie 55 gal tank number 1, 55 gallon tank number 2, 30 gallon tank) it will cut down on confussion and help ensure the wrong tank doesn't recieve the wrong treatment. Also include what you have done thus far (greenex etc)
Specific readings on water quality are very helpful. Nitrate, nitrite, Ammonia, and PH at a minimum. If you do not have test kits get your water tested and post the results.
Once you have the above and repost I think many here will be able to better help you.
Good Luck

john f

My suggestion would be to remove all inverts from the tank (if you have any)
This way you can add new fish and use hyposalinity to cure ick as you add them. inverts (crabs, snails, coral, live rock)
I only suggest this because it sounds like you may have a fish only setup anyhow.
If not..................quarantine all new fish for 1 month before they go into the main tank, and leave the main tank (if it's a reef) fishless for the same time period.

madd catt

Where are you getting the dominos they are pretty hardy.check the tank next time your in your pet store for any signs of stress. the yellow tails could have done something to him too.


The best advice i have for you is to set up your tank.
Buy the live rock. buy two or three damsels and feed them once a day for a few seconds(Don't over feed)
Have all your filter pads cleaned weekly. Skim with a protien skimmer. keep you salinity at the same level, with a drip system.
I did this for two months before I removed the damsels and bought my purple tang. Two months is enough for your system to stabilize!!!!!!!! The problem is that people want things IMMEDIATLY!!!!!!! that doesn't work.
Also don't use any products like cleaners or sprays in the same rooms...... Also change your water 20% monthly......
Use RO water only when adding H2O that has evaporated from the tank.... Drip system............. Also have your lights on a timer for 8-10 hours!!! No more. Also try to not place your hand in the tank, if possible at ALL!!!!! If you have to please clean your hands with hot water all the way to the elbow........ NO SOAP!!!!
Ground your tank.......
To avoid puting your hand in the tank use a magnet scrapper to clean the glass..........
I know it is hard to wait bu t the best advice for sucess is setting up your tank for two months and waiting.... Good luck and also learn that certain fish don't mix... and In a 55 gallon I would reccomend 3-4 fish, maybe one tang only.
good luck
Did I just go on and on