Getting wild fish


New Member
I just recently moved to Hawaii. Snorkling around Hawaii has inspired me to get my own saltwater :happyfish tank. Is it common thing for people that live near the ocean to get thier own fish,crabs, and sea plants?? How about coral? Thanks Guys!


Active Member
I would take some corasl if i were you
However reef tanks are illegal as far as I know in Hawaii, as well as taking things from the reef.


Active Member
u can get fish, but u arent even aloud to have equipment to raise corals in hawaii. but u can get fish and deat coral. but nothing else.


There's pretty strict laws in Hawaii for collecting fish, and your not allowed to remove live rock or corals from the water. I do know a guy that is growing somes zoo's and mushrooms here, and have seen zoo's at a shop here on oahu.


If SWF would ship out here I would buy from them. The fish are cheaper here because they are caught by local divers with permits and sold in local shops. I've seen small tellow tangs for $8. Buying equipment from any LFS here is a ripoff. I've never found less than a 30% markup on equipment here than for what I can find it for sale online.


Active Member
I had the opportunity to scuba dive Hawaii back in 1996 and enjoyed every minute of it. At that time I did not have an interest in marine tanks of my own.....but scuba was my 2nd life. I was military on a stop over with a bunch of aircraft coming back from Korea at the time, and had like 3 days to play.....I did bring back an item of extreme interest and value that I found however. I wa standing by a small stream, more like a drainage ditch that had water flowing in it that went under a roadway out to the flightline. I was just watching some of the small fish in that drainage ditch, and then something shiney caught my eye. I went down and picked it out of the water..It was a 1898 Hawaiian dime.........never said a word to anyone around, as I just wanted to get it home......I could have sold that dime a thousand times already.....All silver money was pulled in and melted down so there is little of it around...This was during the time that the queen whose name I forgot was basically under house arrest .....when the governement or ruling parties were undergoing a major change.


New Member
Thanks for the reply guys.... I looked up the laws on a Hawaii Fish and Game website. I guess its against the law to get live coral from the ocean, but i can get debree that has fallen off. Fish and crabs are fine as long as it meets certain length requirements and is not on the protected list. One more Question was, is it a good idea to acctually get wild fish for a tank?


Active Member
1882 Haiku 1-rial Hawaiian plantation token, NGC AU-58, $3,220.
High Bid: $210.00
By: jjb007
1883 Hawaiian dime, quarter, half
1883 Hawaiian dime, quarter, half
the 1883 were rarer then any others tthat came later,... the tail was told that almost half of the 100,000 that were minted were thrown into the volcano,... The u.s. actually began printing and minting hawaii s currency by 1898