Ghost Shrimp, Good Feeder? Live In Saltwater?


Are ghost shrimp the best locally avaliable feeder animal for my lions to get them to be fully weaned onto frozen foods? Also will they live full time in saltwater? Cuz I would like to keep some around, my LFS doesnt get them very often so they would have to live in my sump as I dont have much room to have a extra FW tank...


I have several that live in my pipefish tank. They feed on the excess bbs from the pipes. So yes, they can be sustained in a system.
As far as the best food question, there are several on here that are very knowledgeable about lions that should come along soon that can offer excellent advice.


were the ones you put int your tank freshwater ones from a petstore? Did you do anything to acc. them to saltwater?


My store carried saltwater ones only. I would have no idea about acclimation although because it is essentially the same animal, it could be done, albeit that inverts are so delicate it would have to be a very slow process.
i have used fresh water ghost shrimp to feed my dragon wrasse just because it was funny to watch him play with them before murdering them. but when i sold the wrasse i noticed there where several ghost shrimp in the tank he did not get and they had gotten huge and freaky looking. so yes they will survive in salt as long as no eats them. you probably only see them at night as they will hide in the rocks during daylight