Ghost Shrimp


Hey, last on Tuesday, I bought a antennatta lion, and I've tried feeding it choped up smelt (which my snowflakes loves) and he isn't interested in it. So today, I went to my lfs and bought 20 ghost shrimp for a buck. And now my question is how should I feed them to him? They are pretty clear, and I think they would be hard to see if I just droped them in. I have a feeder stick should I use that with the lion?


20 of them for a buck? Man your lucky, I get about 4 of them for a buck. :mad: What I do is just throw them in, the lion would get them easily. Good luck.
Hi Mark, my Antennata loves ghost shrimp and trust me he will have no problem hunting them down. And as mentioned in previous post 20 for a buck is a great price. Try feeding it some (thawed) frozen Krill, I drop mine near a power head so it looks like its trying to hide and My antennata chases it down like he does the ghost shrimp.


If it's at all possible, it would be a good idea to start up a small freshwater tank to hold the shrimp in. That way you can gut load the shrimp with a good SW flake food before you feed them to your lion. More nutritious that way!