Giant Coral banded


I recently aquired a 125 g tank and one of it's happy inhabitants is a HUGE coral banded shrimp. I have 2 med/lg skunk cleaner shrimp in my 55 and would like to add 2 more to the new 125. However the coral banded dwarfs my cleaners and I wonder would he eat them? I also aquired a large healthy:mad: aptasia population with this tank and would like to add a handful of peppermint shrimp (they decimated the aptasia in the 55). Bad idea? Thanks!


I agree w/ Carole,
They are very aggressive especially when they are adults. It will not only attack shrimps, also fish. I had two before and sold them because they were attacking everything that comes near.
Good thing is they dont really like fighting and unles they are very hungary, they wont gonna follow the cleaners to eat them.
Bad thing is they are very teritorial and they will kill every fish, shrimp and crabs (the ones thats weaker them the cbs) that enters their area


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
hey what does it mean when they lose there big claws?

That it got broke off. They will grow back.


Active Member
He'll be fine. They have other claws for shoveling in food. The big ones are mostly used for defense and killing prey.


i dont think so. Maybe a hichiker crab did it? anyway i dont know how it will eat but if it will until next molt, after that i believe it will regain its claws


good, now he wont be able to kill anything! (just kidding, thats horrible). but I had a cbs and it killed two of my fish (actually witness him lunging at the fish), so I stay away from them now.