Giant Cup Mushroom - New York, NY


What is the light requirements for this shroom. I will b e setting up a light system in the near future but i got the run of the mill flourescent on the hood right now. It is to my understanding that shrooms can get the light they need from a flourescent. If this is the case let me know.


These mushrooms are very hardy. I only have a 30 x 2 flourescent light on my tank and have several mushrooms. They don't like strong current but don't really mind either. My mushrooms have grown and expanded under these conditions already.
I would suggest purchasing a invertabrate kit from ***** (cost $15) that comes with calcium, iodine and strontium & molybdenum. Just pour a teaspoon of each into the tank each week to keep the shrooms healthy.
Obviously good water conditions and regular maintenance, but other than that, they're easier to keep than clowns.


do you think you could do the deal for $40.00 and I would pick it up are you in the city? Cause i am on the island but have to go to the city for my job all the time so it would be no prob meeting you there:yes:


are you into dj equip/ hip hop/ techno?
as far as the fish stuff goes i am pretty much a salt reefer newbie so anything i got you aint going to want


fishamijig, how big is your tank, i have some live rock with some base rock to help cycleyour tank and keeps a good filtration


I have a 55 gal with about 20 lbs base rock and about 25 lbs live rock. I could always use more what are you asking for the lr and would you trade for some of the dj stuff?