giant hitchhiker! What is this thing!??


its just not fair, the only hitchhiker i ever had was some sort of crab that my moray promptly ate. i've always wondered how the hitchhikers can survive so long out of water.


Active Member
I still disagree, i do not think it is a chiton... i believe its a form of a worm but i also disagree with the fact of a brown worm... jbeck, make sure you ask other marine biologist. When i buy a fish i ask three different sources on the fish, two are different LFS's and the other is someone i trust my tank completely too. And find that they all have three different answers. Seriously, just look into it more i really don't believe its a chiton...


i just looked it up. it is defenitley a chiton. cryptoplax japonica chiton, or the japanese slender chiton. i think we can trust a marine biologist a bit more then a guy at a LFS.


to clarify my last, what i meant was that while you should always verify what the guy at the LFS tells you, its okay to take the word of a known marine biologist.


Active Member
As mentioned in the new thread, he has the identification not simply from marine biologists, but from marine invertebrate of whom studies flatworms, and the other studies mollusks. Both world experts. It is very very obviously (from the second set of pics) a chiton. Not a typical chiton, no doubt, but a chiton nontheless. I study a very different group of inverts from those guys, but agree, its a chiton!!!!
And sure, its cool. But its still just 7 plates over the 'hypothetical ancestral mollusk.' :p (just trying to stir up those chiton/mollusk people, anyone, anyone??). Yea, in invert circles I am a big ole troublemaker. Outside those circles, I am a big ole geek. Takes your pick.