Giant Nano


Active Member
im looking for a picture of someone who keeps a larger tank like 55+ with all fish that grow to a maximum of 3".
i was just imagining all of the fish i could have in my 90 if all i got were small fish.
so if anyone knows what i mean by what im saying then post a PIC


Active Member
You could have a heck of alot in there if you stayed in the 1-2" range. Clown gobys are very pretty under good lights, and maybe a pygmy angel.


This is what I'm thinking of doing with my 55 as soon as my dad finishes the stand and I can get up and cycled.


Active Member
well to bad no one posted pics. guess no one had any yet but seems we will have one coming soon. keep us posted and if you would like some help stocking it ill gladly help you to choose some fish


Heres what I was thinking of...
-Bicolor Blenny (He maxes out a little more than 3 inhces but we already have him in our 29 so I could get it for free)
-Bangaii Cardinal
-Yellow Watchman Goby
-Clown Goby
-Neon Goby
-Blackray Shrimp Goby
-Whiteray Shrimp Goby
-Purple Firefish
-Royal Gramma
-Peppermint Shrimp
-Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
-Fire Shrimp
-Pistol Shrimp
-Sexy Shrimp
-Bumble Bee Shrimp
-Saron(sp?) Shrimp
-Some Feather Dusters
-Maybe an Emeral Crab
Now I just have to narrow it down some.


My dad's almost to the point of moving the stand up to my room. He just has to put the stain and finisher on. After that I have to scrape the old paint off the back and either repaint it or leave it alone and clean it out. Then the cycle starts.


Active Member
I've considered a tank packed with different types of damsels, like a saltwater cichlid tank. lots of action and mayhem.