

There is this really auesome girl in my school who I asked out in 7th grade and got rejected. I am now a jonior in high school and its weird when im around her... I havent spoken to her in like 3 years but I really want to ask her out again.. What do ya think? Should I?? Any sugestions on how??


just do it... your in 11th grade.. you have nothing to lose.
I try and find out a little bit about the woman before i go full force into doing something like that... but your young and impressionable still... that stuff doesnt matter to you.
just ask her to go to like a dance or the movies.. or whatever yall do now adays...


Active Member
and maybe she turned you down because she had a mother like me who would never...repeat NEVER let her 7th grader (average 7th grader is 12 1/2) go out with a boy at that age.

so go for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeferDC
I am now a jonior in high school and its weird when im around her
you have fantasies about her?
that's not healthy.


Active Member
If you don't you'll always wonder what might have been. Ask her out, at least then (if she turns you down) you can let it go. You have a 50/50 chance anyway...yes or you should give her the chance to say yes.....she's probably been waiting for you to ask.


Active Member
There is only one way to find out what her feelings are and that’s to ask her out. What you can do is ask her if she’s seen any good movies lately and get her talking about one she thinks looks good and ask her to go with you.


Active Member
a 7th grader!? Man you are in 11th grade(same as me). Why would you want to go out with her?????? :notsure: When there are hotter woman in 11th grade???? :notsure:


she is in 11th grade! LMAO! I asked her out when we where both in 7th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are both 16! LOL


Active Member
ask her out youve got nothing to lose.... im in 7th right now and my mom would NEVER let me ask some out....... unless she dosent know about it :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
ask her out youve got nothing to lose.... im in 7th right now and my mom would NEVER let me ask some out....... unless she dosent know about it :thinking:

but then you could be up against a girl who has a mom like me :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeferDC
she is in 11th grade! LMAO! I asked her out when we where both in 7th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are both 16! LOL