Active Member
Well I'm on other saltwaterfish boards too and i just gotta hand it to you all..... has some of the most smartest people in the hobby! This other forum people are just soooooo stupid! In example I saw a post of some guy asking what fish can be kept with sharks and then everyone started blowing off his head because they saw he had a 58gal and they saw the word shark even when the guy said that hes getting a bigger tank for a shark and he doesn't have one!I cant beleive how stupid people are just because they cant read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just want to comment saltwaterfish.coms people on here, give yourself a pat on the back for not people stupid like those people on that one forum. (Let me just say that forum is the popularist saltwater forum around......untill now) :cheer: I think I'm going to go over there and spam up the place since they ticked me off.