Giving Up Before Getting Started - So Confused



dont give up man, im in grade 9 now, and i just got my 12 Gallon aquapod, my origional plan was that id get a 55G, and that was in grade 5, ive been researching since grade 5, yeah...thats 4 years, but u know ready, and itll be worth it, theres no sence in giving up now, well if you do have an intention to be sucsessful in this hobby you need to learn to research. If you cant hold down simple research, mabie this hobby isnt for you


Originally Posted by John-NYC
I've been reading on here for a about a week now lots of post and I'm getting more confused as I read. I wanted to setup a 75 gallon tank but so confused on what type of filter to purchase, then pumps, skimmer, lighting etc..
I wanted to setup a FOWLR but I'm reading and talking myself out of it. I don't want to DIY but not sure what company to go with for the under stand wet/dry etc.
Money is that not that much of an issue that's why I don't want to DIY. I'm not rich or anything but have a good steady job and would spend some $$ to do it right.

Honestly bro, When I started out I had all Wal-Mart equipment.. And everything wqas fine for FOLR that is, as I got money saved I slowly upgraded to a Fuge,MH lighting and things like that now I have a reef going from what started with hang on back Wal-Mart equipment. Start slow and its all good


I guess I'm in

Maintenance won't be a problem because I like tinkering. I already have lots of maintenance with all my radio controlled cars, planes and helicpoters that I either race or fly on a regular basis and they always need attention so that won't be a problem for the aquarium.
I getting "The Bible" and will read that a few times before making any purchases. I guess it's not that hard once you understand the concepts and all.
I had fish tanks and various reptiles when I was a teenager over 20 years ago so what the heck.
In for a penny in for a pound :jumping: