Giving up!!


ugh i went ahed and flushed my large clownfish. he was belly up, white and not swimming. its heart breaking, it really is. well once my other fish die we are going to do a large water change out. put on a power head because we only have 250 gph, add more lr cuz we only got like 20 lbs. and slowley add coral and monitor on how it does. until its good enough to buy fish. im gunna buy all my stuff here from now on.


Active Member
I know this may sound horrible. I would start over. Tear the whole tank down and restart. This I think would allow you to monitor the tank and make sure it works well. This is just my opinion.


we where talking about doing that but insted we are going to partally start over. we are going to ad an qt probably later next month take all fish/coral out. do a huge water change and slowley SLOWLEY ad things back. thats uor plan.