Glass Anemones

fish lady

Well I have tried the boiling water method and it did not work that well. I was told by another guy to make a very strong mix of ph and water and put it into their mouths with a seringe as well but tried that a week ago and they are all back now. In a 90 gallon tank I must have at least 100. The worst thing about it is before I knew much I bought a rock in Calgary that was covered in them because I thought they were kind of cool. Now that I know more and have a bunch of hard corals they are not so cool. I bought a beautiful copperband butterfly yesterday and was told that he kept the other guys tank clean of them so I guess I will find out. If you have any other ideas please let me know!


Active Member
copperbands are hit or miss but i would give it a few weeks , if that doesnt work and you have a reef tank i would purchase about 5 or 6 peppermint shrimps

fish lady

Hey thanks I have another question. Yesterday my fish guy said that live rock can stay out of the water for a while and come back fine so I asked him if I took the rock out of the water and let it dry a little would they die? He said he wasn't sure but it might work but have to make sure there is nothing else on the rock I want to die either! Think it would work or just crazy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish lady
Hey thanks I have another question. Yesterday my fish guy said that live rock can stay out of the water for a while and come back fine so I asked him if I took the rock out of the water and let it dry a little would they die? He said he wasn't sure but it might work but have to make sure there is nothing else on the rock I want to die either! Think it would work or just crazy?
i wouldnt to kill the aptasia u would also kill the live rock


If you have no luck with natural controls you can try “Joe’s Juice” you feed it to them and they die. I had luck with it but I’ve heard mixed revues. It can be found on the internet with a Google search. I would try the small bottle in case it doesn’t work for you ($8 + shp it is rated to kill 20-40 pests). Good Luck!


Active Member
Joe's Juice works great for me but it is expensive. Lemon juice seems to work just as well. Peppermint shrimp have never touched my aip.


Active Member
If this is the only rock with Aip I would definitely remove it to kill them. You mentioned that you have other coral, so I assume you have enough rock without this one. Let it die off completely and reintroduce it in a few weeks. It will reseed and become live again after a while.
I have pretty good results with lemon juice, and a threadfin butterfly was by far the fastest method I have implemented.

fish lady

I have a pink elegance and he just keeps growing and growning and now takes up a big corner in one side of my tank. I have read that you should keep them away from live rock since it might have a sharp edge on it and if it gets a cut it will die. Yet on the other hand people say you can cut it once it gets so big! It is becoming a problem becasue it is not very friendly it has claimed the life of 2 sea haires and a sweet lips. It is very healthy and I would like to keep him so is there any way to down size him with out killing him? The place I buy fish from says some people have done it but he never has and would not want to!

fish lady

I have a pink elegance and he just keeps growing and growning and now takes up a big corner in one side of my tank. I have read that you should keep them away from live rock since it might have a sharp edge on it and if it gets a cut it will die. Yet on the other hand people say you can cut it once it gets so big! It is becoming a problem becasue it is not very friendly it has claimed the life of 2 sea haires and a sweet lips. It is very healthy and I would like to keep him so is there any way to down size him with out killing him? The place I buy fish from says some people have done it but he never has and would not want to![/QUOTE]

fish lady

Thank you but what can I do about the ones growing in my hard corals? I don't think that will work but the corals are slowly dying already. I probably have like 100 of them in a 90 gallon tank and they are spreading by the day it seems.


Originally Posted by fish lady
Thank you but what can I do about the ones growing in my hard corals? I don't think that will work but the corals are slowly dying already. I probably have like 100 of them in a 90 gallon tank and they are spreading by the day it seems.
Ooooh.. peppermint shrimp. If their in your corals there isn't a lot you can do.


I forgot there is one other natural control you can try Elegance coral it’s sting is incredibly deadly to anemones and other corals. All you need to do is lightly brush its tentacles against your foe and they’re dead. If you happen to have one or know someone who would lone you one it works wonders. If your local LFS is good about taking back animals you could borrow one from them.

fish lady

Originally Posted by chinpokomon
I forgot there is one other natural control you can try Elegance coral it’s sting is incredibly deadly to anemones and other corals. All you need to do is lightly brush its tentacles against your foe and they’re dead. If you happen to have one or know someone who would lone you one it works wonders. If your local LFS is good about taking back animals you could borrow one from them.
I have a huge elegance but I have never heard of that! I guess I could try anything once but will it stress the elegance?


Originally Posted by fish lady
I have a huge elegance but I have never heard of that! I guess I could try anything once but will it stress the elegance?

To be honest I never owned an EC for GA eradication. I used this method at the LFS where I worked (years ago) I was showed this method by the shop owner. I never noticed adverse effects to the coral but I must admit we had a high sales rate so the corals I used didn't stay around long. I was never aware of customer complaints over EC losses. If you fear damaging your current healthy specimen you could purchase a small specimen for GA eradication. If you chose either option I wouldn’t kill all of your problems in one day I would give it a few days to a week between “treatments” to allow the EC time to regenerate nematocysts (you should be able to kill 10-20 a day though). I’m sorry that I can’t be more definitive on this subject but I don’t want to speak beyond my knowledge on this matter. Maybe you could post the question as a separate thread along the lines of “Elegance Coral for pest anemone control good or bad?” I’m sure someone here is a deeper well of knowledge than I. Good Luck!

fish lady

Originally Posted by chinpokomon
To be honest I never owned an EC for GA eradication. I used this method at the LFS where I worked (years ago) I was showed this method by the shop owner. I never noticed adverse effects to the coral but I must admit we had a high sales rate so the corals I used didn't stay around long. I was never aware of customer complaints over EC losses. If you fear damaging your current healthy specimen you could purchase a small specimen for GA eradication. If you chose either option I wouldn’t kill all of your problems in one day I would give it a few days to a week between “treatments” to allow the EC time to regenerate nematocysts (you should be able to kill 10-20 a day though). I’m sorry that I can’t be more definitive on this subject but I don’t want to speak beyond my knowledge on this matter. Maybe you could post the question as a separate thread along the lines of “Elegance Coral for pest anemone control good or bad?” I’m sure someone here is a deeper well of knowledge than I. Good Luck!
Hey thanks I will do what you suggested. I asked my LFS and he looked at me like I was crazy and laughed for a second and then said hey maybe! It was kind of funny. After a while he figured even though it sounded crazy it was probably worth a try and if it worked you would be our new fish god. I bought 6 pepermint shrimp off him just in case though. 2 of them where pregnant and you could see the babies it was to cool. I am going to do what you suggested and go buy a small one because the one I have is so huge I would never try picking him up. LFS said one would be in around 2 weeks from now. If it works I will let you know that you are literaly our Hero becuase I have a problem and LFS will have a cure too! Thank-You


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish lady
I have a huge elegance but I have never heard of that! I guess I could try anything once but will it stress the elegance?
please dont do that thats just crazy