glass anininomies

skiper gre

I have been getting several glass aninomies; I am fairley certain that a cluster of them killed a coral they made contact with. I have heard to add peppermint shrimp, I have added 5 shrimp two different times and I think they have ether been eaten or just died. I have never seen them after the night they were added. Could a large brittle star be the culprit?


Active Member
anininomies, Im sorry, I dont spell very well my self sometimes but just saying that the way you spelled it made me laugh. ( anemones )
Best to use Joe's Juice to kill them. They will just end up taking over the tank. Some times Peps work and sometimes they dont and possible the brittle had a nice snack.


Originally Posted by skiper gre
I am fairley certain that a cluster of them killed a coral they made contact with.
They wil kill any coral they come in contact with...'cept an elegance.