Glass Cleaner


WHAT do you clean your glass with?? My tank has a film on the outside that is driving me batty. Windex doesn't get it off... water/vinegar doesn't get it off... so what's the trick? My home windows don't have this film so not sure why my aquarium does.


Active Member
I use a brand new razor blade. to clean the inside and outside of my glass. just watch out for sand particles.


Active Member
I think they were talking about a razor for the INSIDE of the glass. what kind of film is it? is it dust or what? I have never had any outside film that was hard to get off in all the aquariums I've had over the years.


I have no idea what it is... it comes on just seconds after cleaning the glass and puts a haze on everything. I've never seen it before either and it's nowhere else in my house.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
I think they were talking about a razor for the INSIDE of the glass. what kind of film is it? is it dust or what? I have never had any outside film that was hard to get off in all the aquariums I've had over the years.

he said for the inside and the outside, ive never used one on the outside


Active Member
if might be like a fog from the different temp of your house and the tank ya know like you get on the window when the car and the outside is two different temps in the winter


Used, and the film appeared about 3 days ago.. until then I could keep it clean. Hrm.. that is about the time we turned the AC on. BabyB, any idea how to get rid of it?


Active Member
I bought a used 135 that has areas of some kind of residue (inside and out) that I can't get off. any idea how old the tank is? it may just be something that happens to glass tanks after they been used for so long. I think it was some pre-existing condition though.


Active Member
if you are using a glass cleaner... use newspaper to wipe it off... may sound funny but it works the best...


I know exactly what you are talking about, a micro-fiber cloth works by far the best. Clean the glass, let it haze up and then wipe with the micro-fiber, make sure when you wash them, just like the towels you use for your bathroom, don't use fabric softener, it impedes the wicking of the fibers


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Newspaper works awesome here. I dont even use cleaner, just dry newspaper.


Active Member
for the outside, either windex/ newspaper or baby wipes.
baby wipes remove any stain that has ever been created.


My little bro and myself always touch the tank and i found that using black and white newspaper and "Windex: plus Vinegar" works the best. Yes, there is actually a Windex product called "Windex: plus Vinegar" I picked some up at the grocery store.


the problem with paper towels is small paper fibers get left on, the problem with a rag is that the fibers are too big to get everything. So use newspaper or microfiber cloth, newspaper is the best IMO. Windex plus vinegar is the best, followed by vinegar+water, and regular windex. I have an OCD with keeping glass