Glass cracking???

The glass cover on the top of my tank cracked it half. It cant be a crack from pressure because the crack is all swively ~~~~. Im thinking it has something to do with my lighting and heat, but im not sure. Any ideas??


If you have metal halides,that can certainly cause tops to crack. A good fan and clearance took care of the problem when my glass top cracked. I don't know if pc. or vho could generate enough heat to crack the glass, but I suppose it is possible if they are right on top of glass.
ok i have metal halides, my ballast (the box) of the light is outside the cover, because it could not fit. do i put fans on the ballast or inside or both??


You have MH's...How high off the top of the tank are they? You may need to get a new canopy because if they are too close then the heat may be trtansfering into the tank also. Fans are good when used in the right setup. If the lights are too low then they wont do enough good. I am going to guess your canopy is maybe 8 inches tall. I build them for metal halides so that there is 14 inches from top of tank to inside top of canopy. This allows enough space so no water splashes onto bulbs, heat doesnt transfer into tank easily, and fans can cool the area very well.