Hello there, I'm in the process of building a 220 gallon tank. It's constructed of 3/4" Plywood sheathed in 3/4" aromatic cedar(yes,it's HEAVY), it's 6L'x2W'x30H". My question is this, all the information I've found regarding glass appears to be geared toward an all-glass tank. Does the fact that the glass is braced by about 6" on the sides and bottom and 2" on the top lessen the thickness needed? I've been lead to believe I'll need 5/8" glass, of course you can't find that thickness anywhere around here so I'm forced to 3/4". Okay, that's another couple hundred bucks (and pounds), anyone know if using 1/2" would work since it's braced all the way around? Any input or, better yet, first hand experience would be appreciated.
Thanks, Paul
Thanks, Paul