Glass thickness


Hello there, I'm in the process of building a 220 gallon tank. It's constructed of 3/4" Plywood sheathed in 3/4" aromatic cedar(yes,it's HEAVY), it's 6L'x2W'x30H". My question is this, all the information I've found regarding glass appears to be geared toward an all-glass tank. Does the fact that the glass is braced by about 6" on the sides and bottom and 2" on the top lessen the thickness needed? I've been lead to believe I'll need 5/8" glass, of course you can't find that thickness anywhere around here so I'm forced to 3/4". Okay, that's another couple hundred bucks (and pounds), anyone know if using 1/2" would work since it's braced all the way around? Any input or, better yet, first hand experience would be appreciated.
Thanks, Paul


Don't skimp on the glass thickness. Better safe than sorry. An additional few hundred bucks is worth the peace of mind you'll gonna get from getting the thicker glass. Just my .02


Active Member
If you don't mind me asking why are you building a tank and not just buying one. Is it a lot cheaper to build it? And on the glass I agree go with the thicker glass. I'm assuming your putting it in the wall or something?


im puting a 5'x 2' x2' and i am using 1/2" glass
what kind of paint did you use for the inside
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


take a look at this for your glass size
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Thanks to all of you for your input! You ask why I'm building it? 1st because I love woodworking and 2nd, have you priced a 220 tank? I probably wouldn't be building a tank < 100, but over 100, the price changes dramatically. I can't remember who posted the pic of the tank they were building but it's *really* good looking! Beautiful workmanship. BTW, in my ignorance I learned one VERY important thing, NEVER build the tank before you build the stand LOL! I now have this monster taking up my entire garage and nowhere to start working on the stand for it *sigh* I guess we'll just have to get used to it sitting on the den floor until it's stand is built.
I'm seriously considering going with the half inch glass, the "exposed glass will only be about 24 inches and if I splurge on tempered it should hold *fingers crossed*, the price difference is incredible. Worst case, our den is tiled and I have a pretty good wet/dry vac. :D


Just re-read and see it's Javatech that should have gotten credit for his tank! Javatech, I looked all over for paint, finally settled on the 2-part epoxy from Sweetwater, marketed by Aquatic Eco-Systems, if you haven't been to their web site and ordered a copy of their catalog, I urge all to do so, everything you could ask for in "hard to find" DIY stuff, and at reasonable prices too! Thanks again all, Paul


I had a 84x30x30" tank made of 1/2" glass. I think you may need a double bottom though, due to the 30" depth.


Well, it's been a couple of days and I finally realized that the one place I hadn't checked with was a glass company LOL I called a wholesaler in Miami and was told they routinely do glass this size for aquariums and that 1/2" would be fine, no tempering needed :D I was also told that the 3/4 would weigh 300+ pounds! I'm going to have enough trouble finding help moving the monster in without adding that extra hundred pounds. Thanks to all who took time to respond! Paul


Close enough to not be an issue :) Add a bit for shipping and delivery. I'm just not up for driving to miami and hauling it back here.