glass thickness


New Member
I have an approximately 55gal glass tank that I had made in the philippines.....before I start building my tank up to start my cycle I was wondering if someone has any knowledge on how thick the glass should be?
thanks for your help.....


For most tanks up to 55g they use about 3/8 with a 3/8 tempered bottom. If I am remembering right. It is never bad to go a little oversized but if it is to thin your tank will bow and that is bad. You could do a search on DYS aquariums and I know some things will come up. At one time I had a sheet that told me the thicknesses but i can't find it
Well hope I helped
Jake :D :D


I fogot to tell you that if your tank is gettint into the 4 foot range you probably need a suport in the middle. Two little strips of glass glued together will work fine.
That is if you don't already know that.