Glass Top Or Not


I have a canopy with pc under it. I have been using a glass top also. Today I noticed a bunch of canopy pictures with no glass tops, just some kind of open plastic crates. What's best and why?


Active Member
Glass tops hold in heat and hinder gas exchange. It's better to got with a open top... the egg create is so the fish can not jump out, if you have jumpers.

jb rekit

most people don't use one b.c of heat. Keeping a top on it discourages evaporation (evaporations helps cool the water).
I think they are a pain too, b.c you always have to either take them off or get them out of the way when moving stuff around in the tank and just having to lift a canopy and glass top to feed gets a bit redundant too.
Salt also builds up on them b.c of how humid the environment gets in there and you have to clean them a lot too.
I;m sure other people can think of more reasons, but this should give you an idea.


New Member
If you have a lot of lighting won't you get a lot of evaporation and salt buildup on the light fixtures and bulbs? I have a retrokit and 3 150 watt MH and am worried about all the salt build up. By the way if you do remove the glass what are these egg crates to keep fish from jumping out, I have a Goby & a Wrasse that like to jump. :notsure:


Active Member
When water evaporate the salt is left behind... so the moisture will not contain salt. Most fixtures are also placed 6-12" above the water line which leave plenty of room... I run 2-400w MHs on a 110g and don't get ANY salt buildup and they only need cleaned every once in a while.


Active Member
It is a tradeoff:
With canopy on:
I get high temperature but only topoff 1/2 gallon per day.
With canopy off:
Lower temperature but I topoff 1 gallon per day.
Also, when the canopy is on I get salt creep all over the place.


Active Member
One thing to think about, my power compact bulbs I keep directly over my 30g (no glass cover or eggcrate) need to be wiped off about once a week. I perfer the open top to the glass top though by far, just seems better for the tank. I think my massive saltcreep is due to the bubbles released by the emperor 400.