Glass top power compact


New Member
Does anyone know if there is a universal bracket made for a 36" power compact light that will allow a glass top on the tank?


Active Member
Not sure but glass tops covering the tank are a bad idea IMO. Most PCs come with a glass/plastic cover on the light itself which is ok but covering the tank will hold in heat & hinder gas exchange.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
Not sure but glass tops covering the tank are a bad idea IMO. Most PCs come with a glass/plastic cover on the light itself which is ok but covering the tank will hold in heat & hinder gas exchange.
I agree. Loose the glass top.


Active Member
My LFS has 29 gallon reef tank with a glass top and PC lighting, and it's thriving. If you're using the kind of top I think you are, there's a large gap at the back with a plastic strip you cut out for accessories, so it's not like the thing is sealed up tight, so I don't really buy the heat build up or gas exchange theory. Coralife makes adjustable brackets for their PC light that allows you to tilt the light up for access to the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
I don't really buy the heat build up or gas exchange theory.
What the layers of glass also do is that they filter out a lot of the light spectrum that the corals need thus really reducing the efficiency of the lights. With smaller light wattage, there is not that much heat produced. If you have more wattage, there will be heat issues. I had heating issues on my 55gal with 260w of PC and a totally open top. I tried it first with glass (first SW tank experience) with the little strip open on the back and my temp shot up to the mid 90's within hours.


Active Member
That could be a problem if you have the fixture sitting directly on the glass, but they're designed to be raised on mounting legs. I've seen several tanks set up this way, and they're all doing fine.


New Member
Thank you very much. I am glad there are knowledgeable people in this forum. I have taken your advice and every thing is working out great.


Active Member
i ahve that glass top with the back cut out with a pc light over it, I MIGHT lose the glass top if i didn't have so many gobies that could jump and the light was on a stand, cuz if it gets touched, its takin a swim (happened once on my 10, sucked.)


Active Member
ditch the glass tops and get a light diffuser panel from home depot, just go to home depot and ask, they are usually by the ceiling tiles.
Its what we know as egg crate.