Glass Top Replacement


I have a 175 bow front Oceanic Glass Tank. One of the glass panels on the lid broke. Oceanic says that don't sell glass tops. Something ain't right. I can't find a replacement top. Any ideas? My fish are starting to jump out of the tank and I'm afraid the others will all soon follow...


well local fish store should be able to get it for you,
if it were me i would prob tank the othere side off and put a cover on it / plexiglass anything u got lying around turn the lights off run down to your local glass shop and have them cut u a new piece


you could also run over to a local hardware store and get a piece of plexiglass and cut the shape your self untill u get a piece of glass just in case the glass shop tells u it will be a week or so


Is there anything I can do for the fish that jumped out? They're all dried out and stuff. Think they will pull through? I told them to stay away from the light...
Thanks for the advice.


Active Member
You might want to try the folks at All-Glass since they now own Oceanic.
I needed something from them a while back and the customer service was outstanding.
You can email at or call 1-414-421-9670
Good Luck!