glass vs acrylic


i have a 220 glass tank....6ft by 24d x 30 h i secure is the bottoms fall out....i have 3 inch sand bed and a sold 150-200 pounds rock..
i read some prefer glass i read some prefer acrylic for strength...any opinions


Good question. I was wondering the same thing myself since I'll be upgrading to a 150gal this year.
From the research I did, acrylic is better for larger tanks because it has more strength than glass, plus it is lighter weight. Negative is that it scratches a lot easier.


alot it is real good for 300 and over....anything beloew it didnt matter unless in a very high traffic area due to accidental i fgure i ask owners of larger tanks


Active Member
Stick with glass you will not have to be so paranoid about scratching. Trust me you will have to be sooooo careful. Wait till the carline aglae grows and you then you accidentally scratch removing the algae.

I have a 215 and 190 now looking at 320 glass.
Glass is the only way any size unless you have to be concerned about weight. Example the tank will be on the a 2nd floor.


Active Member
-even so..what is the weight difference from a 320 glass, and a 320 acrylic? it can't be huge.
i have never seen any benefit to acrylic.
btw-i have 200+ pounds of rock sitting on my glass tank bottom, and it hasn't fell through yet!
a word of advice- if you are getting a glass tank, choose starfire glass for all viewable'll be glad you did.


Active Member
You never have to worry about a seam failure with acrylic, and you get a lot of versatility as far as drilling holes for a closed-loop. Yes it scratches easier but there are kits that you can buy that will buff out the scratches without even having to drain the tank. Can't really fix scratches in glass.
If you do go with glass, definately go with starfire. It's going to cost more, but the viewing quality will be better.


I use to work for a company that used both Acrylic and Glass. Acrylic bottom and top and Glass sides. Best of both worlds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Also heard that acrylic distorts less than glass.
i don't have much experience with acrylic, but of all the acrylic tanks i have seen, none of them were as clear as starfire glass.