Glaucus atlanticus - is this nudibranch able to be kept in our aquariums?

nm reef

Active Member
Based on the info I've found I don't believe that is a likely species to keep in any hobbyist aquarium. Possibly in a extremely large system but I don't think it would do well in the hobby.
Same as with most of the species they are very diet specific and the majority are best left in the wild.


Active Member
They are some of the most unique and beautiful creatures on earth. That being said, they should not be kept in the home aquarium. There are only a couple that I think should be, given their needs are understood and met. The one you have pictured could never, ever be kept mainly because it feeds almost strictly on *Portuguese Man O War jellyfish*. These Nudibranch store the venom from the jellies, making themselves much more venemous. They spend their lives floating upside down on the ocean surface...drifting away...they sometimes wash up on the shore in Florida. Hope this helps...