

I saw this question in another thread but was wondering the same thing. I sometimes will feed my stars a piece of algae when I give it to my tang but was wondering what kind of gloves should I wear so as not to harm anything? I know it sounds stupid but I am somewhat new to saltwater. I also have a clown who loves to peck at me when I clean his side of the tank. Not painful but annoying. Gloves would help.


Why not use those feeding sticks that they sell in the fish stores. Forgot what thier formally called, but its cheap, easy to use and you wont accidentally harm anything.


Active Member
I was one of the posters questioning the use of gloves in that thread you are referring to. Another member described gloves that are designed for aquarium use that are full arm length and also have elastic to keep the gloves up. I ended up getting a pair from my LFS because I was getting sick of clowfish attacks and I like the extra layer of protection when I'm working with LR. I was constantly getting cut up. HTH


Active Member
if you do use gloves then do not use the cheap ones with the talcum powder inside .... also they make some rubber gloves that go up to your biceps - vet. supply shops might have them - they are for birthing large animals (foaling and calfing).
I have issues with being highly allergic to stings and stuff so when working in my freshwater tanks I use those cheap surgical gloves that have no lining. I used to have snails that would make me break out ... weird stuff - anyhow - I inted to use those with my saltwater setup....


I just bought a pair of gloves like that at my LFS. They're called "Aqua Gloves" and are made by Coralife. I get annoyed when my clowns peck at my arms, and sometimes they startle me and I jump... either splashing water everywhere or knocking over LR. My clowns don't like the taste of the gloves, and I think are intimidated (at least for a while) by the purple and orange color!
Anyway, I'm happy with my purchase ($19)!


I have a pair of Aquagloves and they changed my life. I no longer have to worry about washing with antibacterial soap or being stung by anything. They are cheap...go for it.


Active Member
if any of you are divers out there you can also use your dive gloves, as this is exactly the purpose that they were designed for!
good luck


Active Member
I don't know if I would want to put my dive gloves in my tank. They prbably have some kind of rotting bacteria or rust from wrecks and oil rigs on them.