Are you talking about this picture? The coral to the right is a purple monti. No it is not for sale. It is my only one. I hope that ones grows out to a big colony =-). If you are talking about the coral the the left, that is a Pink Birds Nest. That is not for sale either. My wife would kill me =)
As far as shipping. Here is your shipping choices.
Priority $15
Usps overnight $35
Fedex $55
Good news. The purple infusion with 3 polyps now has 4. I took a close look at it and the new polyp is starting to pop out. So, It is even a better deal now. I am keeping it at the same price.
sorry i should have said i would like to get 6 or 6 of each. also i would like a frag of the hammer if possible. what would this be including shipping? to 47421?
I just took some more frags of Blow Pop and Ring of Fire. Here is a picture of one of them. Sorry about the aiptasia. I did not have a chance to knife it off when fragging. I need to get some peppermint shrimp in my frag tank. The first picture is with a flash. The last 2 are no flash.
There is arround 40 polyps on that nice frag. I would take $50 for it. Normaly I sale the Ring of Fire for $2 and Blow Pops for $3 a polyp. The more you buy the cheaper it gets. Just let me know what you would like to do.