Glowing Hydropora frags and Purple Fusions for sale.


Are you talking about this picture? The coral to the right is a purple monti. No it is not for sale. It is my only one. I hope that ones grows out to a big colony =-). If you are talking about the coral the the left, that is a Pink Birds Nest. That is not for sale either. My wife would kill me =)
As far as shipping. Here is your shipping choices.
Priority $15
Usps overnight $35
Fedex $55


Good news. The purple infusion with 3 polyps now has 4. I took a close look at it and the new polyp is starting to pop out. So, It is even a better deal now. I am keeping it at the same price.


Active Member
sorry i should have said i would like to get 6 or 6 of each. also i would like a frag of the hammer if possible. what would this be including shipping? to 47421?

just me

Where in Arkansas are you located? Any chance you will be making the drive to the frag swap in Nashville?


I live about 30 mins North of Little Rock. I dont think it would be worth the drive to make it to Nashville. Wish I could.


I just took some more frags of Blow Pop and Ring of Fire. Here is a picture of one of them. Sorry about the aiptasia. I did not have a chance to knife it off when fragging. I need to get some peppermint shrimp in my frag tank. The first picture is with a flash. The last 2 are no flash.



There is arround 40 polyps on that nice frag. I would take $50 for it. Normaly I sale the Ring of Fire for $2 and Blow Pops for $3 a polyp. The more you buy the cheaper it gets. Just let me know what you would like to do.