Glue on Cleaner shrimp!!! HELP!

I feel HORRIBLE!!! Something terrible has happened in my tank. I recently used krazy glue gel to fix a leather to a reef disk. It seems that my cleaner shrimp has gotten some of the glue on both of his front claws. The 2 claws that are most prominent and the they use the most to feed themselves. You can see a white clump on both claws.

I really hope that he has not glued his claws so that they are no longer usable.....I don't know what to do.

Has anyone ever experianced or seen anything like this? What can I do to help this little guy?
Is this a slow death sentence or are cleaner shrimp able to feed themselves with claws other than the 2 front main claws??


They will probably be forced to use the other claws to eat. When was the last time it molted, cause that would probably fix the problem.
OH......Molting. I did not think about that! I really hope that this will fix the problem! I'm not sure the last time he molted so hopefully it will be soon.
I will be stoked if molting does it!


Active Member
when they are injured they will molt quicker to better the situation. that will be problem solved when that happens.
inverts are great at using appendages for things they werent necessarily designed for. i had an arrow crab that was attacked and was down to only three legs. it re-learned to walk and catch floating food with these legs. he then molted and grew his legs back and was back to normal.


Active Member
my blue reef lobster has been getting into scuffles with what i guess to be my large and snippy CBS. he molted and then within 48 hours lost 70% of his front two spines. 2 weeks later he molted again, and then the same thing occured. he just molted again and so far is holding onto his precious whiplashes lol


Active Member
usually there is enough trace iodine in a reef salt to never have to dose it. you can easily over dose iodine, so stick to the classic rule of thumb : "dont dose what you cant test for"


Active Member
molting will get the glue off, do not try to force a molt by dosing Iodine its a really bad idea. really bad. he will eat with his other claws untill his forcep claws are usable again. dont worry, he'll be fine.

luca brasi

Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
Well, he molted lastnight and like you guys said: He is just fine!
Thanks for all of the help and input guys!
