glue ???


I got a frags of zoos yesterday and i want to put it on a rock... but everytime i put it there a crab well go to it and knock it off.. have any of you ever put crazy glue on it and put it on a rock and had it stay.. i have the gel kind and i want to know if anyone has done it before

aztec reef

Active Member
have you tryed cyanoacrylate super glue? they can be used underwater, but works better if the surface is partially dried. :happyfish


I was REALLY hesitant the first time I used glue on a frag or in the tank at all. The first time I did it was a few months ago and it works great for me and I have had no problems with using glue. Now I even just dab glue straight on mushrooms I frag and they grow right around it. I also glued a kenya tree straight to a little rock, then glued the rock to a bigger rock a month ago and it looks great in my tank.


i have used glue before and i was just wondering if i can put it on a frag and stick into the tank and it will still glue on.. i guess i should just try and see if it works... :thinking: