

New Member
I have a biocube 8 and a 29. I have never glued the corals to the live rock, just placed and wedged. This, of course doesn't always work perfectly. As I have added more corals(and more flow to the 29) I have had even more problems with corals getting moved by the snails/extra flow etc. I have some superglue that is suppossed to be ok to use in attaching the coral to the rock and I have read about how people take the rock out and attach the coral with glue and put the rock back in its place.
My question is this: is there any way to glue/attach/epoxy these without moving the rock(ie can I just put glue on the coral base and stick it to the rock under the water?). I know that sounds lazy but that really isn't it(at least entirely). But if I can't do that then to attach corals I will have to pull out all of my rock b/c some of the corals go on the bottom rocks.
I don't mind doing this now since I have several to put on , but in two weeks if I find some more zoos that I want and I want them to be glued near the bottom I am not crazy about having to disrupt the tank again by pulling out all of the live rock to get that one down.
Maybe that is just the way it has to be, and if it is then that's what I'll do. And I can tell you the idea of wet glue going through my water column to get to the bottom of my tank doesn't sound very safe or effective. I have never seen epoxy used, seems like I read where a few folks didn't care for it but maybe that was in holding liverock together.
One other question, b/c I know I can't be the only one who has ever wondered this but can't find it particularly addressed, what if you have tied or attached your live rock to one another as I see is often reccomended(I haven't done this). If you have to bring your lr out of the water to attach coral you couldn't do it. It has to either not be attached(glued/epoxyed) or you would have to drain your tank. Just wondering.
Sorry for the length but would appreciate your suggestions/replies.

scopus tang

Active Member
Scout, remove coral to glue and dry stalk or rock piece you will be using for attachment. Place a fair-sized dab of glue (superglue gel or coral glue) on the dried area. Insert in tank, move to position and push/twist coral into place. Hold in position till glue seals it to the rock. The water will cure the outside of your dab when you place the coral into the tank, push/twist opens the glue back up, so it glues to rock. Hope that helps.


When you are fragging coral you should glue the frag to a piece of rubble or a shell or something. It makes things 10x easier. Then you can place the coral wherever you want.