glueing a colt

i had some small pieces come on a rock with another coral i bought and needed to relocate them. i had the same problem. what worked for me was finding a very small hole in my rock and i pushed the stem part into the hole with a toothpick till it was wedged in pretty good. they stayed and they're doing good.


try using a rubber band or a piece of fishing line to tie it to the rock. just don't tie it too tight cause it will cut through the piece. should take a couple of weeks to attach itself.


I have tried just about everything!!! I now have it held down with a rubberband. I did that yesterday, and I didn't want to put it too tight, but when I got up this morning it was out of tha rubberband....Soooo this morning I wrapped the rubberband around it tighter...I hope this won't hurt it. I have another colt that took to a roch within a week, and is doing great, so I don't know what the problem with this one is. If it does not escape this rubberband...I will check it in 2 weeks, and HOPEFULLY, it will be attached.


I am using the rubberband method now, like I said I hope it's not too tight...I will check it when I get home tonight, but I had to make it tighter since it escaped yesterday's rubberband...


LOL...Yes, I have found that out. I just don't understand why this thing won't attach....Let's see if this rubberband holds it, and I will check it in 2 weeks.


AHHHHH...I just got home and that colt got out from under the rubberband...I had it wrapped around it 3 times.....Now what????


now i've heard this, but never tried: push a toothpick through the base and rubberband the ends of the toothpick to the rock and once the colt takes hold, pull the toothpick out. i personally think that is a last resort. try taking a piece of string and criss-cross it so its holding it in two different directions. also, if it's big enough, try placing it in your substrate and place a rock on two sides of the base and wedge it b/t the two, maybe that might work.


Active Member
Maybe I am just lucky but I glued and it did not stay on the glue but it slid over to the rock and there it stayed.


OK, now I have tied string to it crossways...if it gets out of this, (or lives thru it) I give up......I am trying not to hurt it...BUT I still do not understand why it will not attach.
I have a green tree that i frag regulary. I have found that using zip ties work very well(better than rubberbands), you can get it just right without constricting the coral. If that doesn't work I have gotten shells (like mexican turbo shells, or anything that the stalk will fit in and pack it with sand) it has never failed me.