Gobi and shrimp question.


I'd like to add a watchman gobi and pistol shrimp to my 20 gal. I've read how much fun they are to watch. I have two clowns, a pepperment shrimp, crabs and snail in there now. I'd like to know if they will be fine to add and also which kind of watchman gobi to go for (banded or yellow) and which kind of pistol shrimp, there are several different kind on this sight. Also, should I buy them together, if I can, or should I introduce one before the other?
Thanks, Ant.

salty chee


Originally posted by Ant
I'd like to add a watchman gobi and pistol shrimp to my 20 gal. I've read how much fun they are to watch. I have two clowns, a pepperment shrimp, crabs and snail in there now. I'd like to know if they will be fine to add and also which kind of watchman gobi to go for (banded or yellow) and which kind of pistol shrimp, there are several different kind on this sight. Also, should I buy them together, if I can, or should I introduce one before the other?
Thanks, Ant.

Almost perfect. I'm not sure, but the pistol shrimp may be a little aggresive and nag the peppermint.


Active Member
They'll do fine together, as long as the peppermint doesn't wander around the pistol's home too closely. The pistol will just stay in his burrow. The type of each and the order of introduction does not matter.


Here are pictures as promised. I love our gobi and shrimp! They are so much fun to watch! I've never seen an animal work so hard like that pistol does. I don't think my water will be completely clear again. When he's done burring one rock he goes to another and the gobi follows suit. By the way, we named the gobi, Gobi-One-Kenobi and the pistol is Magnum. Too Much Fun!! Water has been testing great. Even better since I added more LR. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. Everyone looks happy so far.


You did what I should have. After some reading in my books, it seems that Yellow Watchman's are one of the more picky shrimp gobies. I added a red pistol and my watchman doesn't pay him any any attention. You got a tiger pistol. I have read where that is the best species to put with a Yellow Watchman. I wish I had waiting to get a tiger.


gmusick-did you buy in a moment of weakness or did you want the red one? I'm often weak when I go in to look at fish and stuff. I really wanted the right pair though so I made sure of it and ordered them through my lfs. Maybe your lfs will trade your red for a tiger. Good luck. They are a riot to watch, that's for sure. Ant.


No Ant, it wasn't a moment of weakness, it was a moment of ignorance (I seem to have a lot of those). I had researched pistol shrimp and knew I wanted one, but I didn't really research the pairings. That was my mistake. I still like the coloration of the red, better than any of the other pistols. I still have some hope that they will pair up eventually, especially since I now have a CC substrate, but am switching over to LS this weekend. Hopefully, that will make both the shrimp and goby much, much happier.


Ooooh, that's interesting to me. What does your pistol do with the CC? Is he constantly moving and digging in that? Things might just change when you get the LS. My pistol is consantly moving the sand and digging under the rock so he and Kenobi can dive in. Seems like it might be harder with CC. Good luck. I hope it works for you. It's frustrating when you buy something cool and it's not what you thought.


Both the shrimp and the goby have made depressions in the CC. The shrimp mostly hides, so I don't get to see him in day-to-day action. My goby will dig him out a depression, but my substrate is rather large, compared to his weight, so when he picks up a piece, his body is almost straight up and down when he carries it away. I think the dynamic might change a great deal, with much of my livestock when I do my replacement. I can't wait.

salty chee


Originally posted by Ant
Here are pictures as promised. I love our gobi and shrimp! They are so much fun to watch! I've never seen an animal work so hard like that pistol does. I don't think my water will be completely clear again. When he's done burring one rock he goes to another and the gobi follows suit. By the way, we named the gobi, Gobi-One-Kenobi and the pistol is Magnum. Too Much Fun!! Water has been testing great. Even better since I added more LR. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. Everyone looks happy so far.

Originally posted by Ant

second pic

Thanks! Very very nice pics. :yes: