gobie id

i was going to purchase a gobie at the pet store today but they had the wrong label on him they have him as a diagonal shrimp goby but thats wrong ........he has a yellow head with brown stripes and a white body,his fins have a little hint of blue and the actual shape of him looks like a firefish gobie any body have an id or have one in their tank and any experiences with them
yeah thats him i thought i saw that picture on another website...do u guys have any info on him like if u have taken care of this particular gobie...if you have ur own pictures to that would be great thanks
yeah thats what he looks like exactly....is it ok to keep other types of gobies together....i would like to put a couple of clown gobies, and also a watchman gobie to see if he will pair up with a shrimp.

dude crush

Ok, here's some stats on him: Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Temperament: Peaceful
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 2"
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Gobiidae
So, he should be kept in a tank 30 gallons or larger, he likes to live close the rocks and gravel. He's not aggressive and is fine with other gobies in the tank, may even share homes. Some common names for him are the Black-Ray Shrimp Goby, and Thredfin Goby and his scientific name is the stonogobiops nematodes. If you need any further info, just holler:) HTH
is he the same as the hi fin red banded gobie then...
I went a picked him up at the store by the way thats why i rember the exact paterns and everything.hes eating like crazy wich is a good thing since it takes a little while for fish to adjust.i was feeding him a little shrimp and scallops on a wooden skewer and he was going crazy his mouth opens up really huge...do u have one of these guys?how long u think itll take him to make a home for himself and what do u feed urs

dude crush

Sounds like a fun fish:) No, I dont have one and yeah I think its the same as the Hi finned something or other. I always tell by their scientific name. The have a lot of different common names but the scientific's always the same. I have no idea how long it will take him to make his own home. I would do a search on him like at Google.com or some other search engine(use his scientific name)and see what you find. I'll be more than happy to help you as well.

dude crush

Oh yeah!! I found out that the diet should consist of mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and chopped table shrimp.
So, what your feeding it should be fine. You wanna feed it at least twice a day. BTW I got all that at ***********.com. Check it out!!


thats a threadfin goby (or other names). They like to be in pairs. Also you can buy it a compatible pistol shrimp. They are great jumpers, cover the top of the tank