gobie or blenny?


I've been thinking of getting a yellow watchman goby.I do like the blennies & some of the other gobies though so I just thought i'd ask your opinions though. Which ones are the best cleaners? Which one do you like the best & why? I'd also like any other info you can offer also such as lifespans, size, difficulty to keep, etc.
I have a 55 gal. w/2 percula clowns, 7 hermit crabs, & about 15 snails. Thanks a bunch for any input.


Active Member
I've had a yellow clown goby and now have a lawnmower blenny. My goby disappeared, they are known to jump out of tanks, so I think that's where he went, and the cat probably ate him before I noticed. My lawnmower blenny is doing a great job of eating unwanted algae.


I have a Yellow goby and he is always hiding. I thought he died never saw him then two months later I saw him move behind the rocks. Never comes out:nope:


Active Member
does your goby burrow in ur substrate smallfry? i wonder if mine is hiding in a rock or something. :notsure:


I have large open areas behind the rock and where the tank in located I can't see behind... so I think he lives a nice surburban life behind the rock...


OK I def. want a fish that i'm gonna see at least some times! lol How about I think it's called a diamond goby? I think it's white w/yellow spots on it's back. Anyone w/ one of those? How are they? How about the blennies do they hide all the time?


Active Member
i see my lawnmower blenny almost always... he lays on the rocks and and the sand... they have quite a personality. Fun to watch IMO.

jonny bolt

My friend has a Diamond Goby. I have an Orange Spotted Goby, which are a little smaller. I think mine is in the "shrimp goby" class. Anyhow, although he probably wont get as big as a Diamond Goby, he is still cool. I havent seen mine burrow in the sand, he pretty much hangs out inside the caves, and in the back corner of the tank. He does come out though, and he LOVES live brine shrimp. thats probably the only time he comes off the bottom and actually swims, when I put the live shrimp in. Other than that, he skips and scoots around the bottom, and has a bunch of favorite perches.


we have a lawnmover blenny and he is just a character, if I go to the class, we have a stare down. It's really funny, he does it with everyone...put your face near the glass and there he is staring ya down. Much fun! (Especially if you have kids!) Easy to keep too, eats anything and everything like a pig!


I take it then that the lawnmower blenny seems to be the favorite out of the blenny family? Are they the most efficient algae eaters?


ok while were on the subject of algae eaters, are any of the gobies good algae eaters? I think that may be one of biggest deciding factors in which one to get is how good of an algae eater they are.


Active Member
my sailfin spotted algea blenny is always out in the tank.
moving everythere and I always see him


Active Member
I have both a diamond and lawn mower and I love them both. Both are excellent cleaners and both are always out in the open with a lot of personality. Could not recommend better fish.