Gobie Pictures!


if my watchman gobie wasn't such a punk i'd post a pic. He hates everyone and everything. His name is M&M it stand for mean mugger cause he uses his ugly mug to mean mug people...if you get what i'm saying.

nm reef

Active Member
Welcome back evanish...I rarely see you post here anymore...I hope you enjoy your stay.
I've got a few goby pics to contribute...



Active Member
NM, what type of goby is that? i looked it up and ovly found purple spotted, which were gray with purple spots. yours is more white. can you help me out?


Originally Posted by JacknJill
NM, what type of goby is that? i looked it up and ovly found purple spotted, which were gray with purple spots. yours is more white. can you help me out?
Pinkspotted Shrimp Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus)?

nm reef

Active Member
It was sold to me as a diamond goby.....but the markings are much more reddish/pinkish instead of orange......so I'm not 100% sure of the ID.....
"The Orange Diamond Sleeper Goby, a.k.a. Orange-Dashed Goby, is a "Sleeper" Goby that spends its day sifting sand and resting on the bottom. These splendid fish are pale in color with a double row of "diamond" shaped orange spots covering its side. The Orange Diamond Goby likes to use its large head to dig into the substrate and "sift" the sand through its mouth for food, then discarding the sand out its gill coverings. The Orange Diamond Goby will burrow a hole in the substrate that it will use as its home; they make tremendous additions to established reef tanks. These fish are also jumpers, so precautions should be taken to secure openings at the top of the aquarium. Keep only one per tank, and this fish should not be kept with other "Sleeper" gobies or Jawfish."
Personally I believe it to be a Pink and Blue Spotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus Leptocephalus)


Originally Posted by NM reef
Welcome back evanish...I rarely see you post here anymore...I hope you enjoy your stay.
Thanks. I stop by every once in awhile. :joy:


btw, thats a Pink Spotted Watchman Goby you have there NM Reef. Cryptocentrus leptocephalus
Also, what kind of camera are you using?


I was just given a diamond and wanted to know are there any cons to this fish as far as the DSB is considered. I know what the pro's are but this guy / gal really digs into the sand.
Thanks ~ Todd


Active Member
omgOMG NM REEF i have a 90 gallon reef and i have a spotted mandarin and that goby that you have! thats so cool!!!!!


Originally Posted by NM reef
Welcome back evanish...I rarely see you post here anymore...I hope you enjoy your stay.
I've got a few goby pics to contribute...
Whats the other one with all the colors? oohhh I like him-tell me more about it.


Oops, sorry, 1st pic was Lemmy my Blenny (obviously)

Yes, I had 4 firefish, however, I am down to two now as it appears the largest one has killed off the other two.
He is now nipping a the last Firefish. v :mad: Been trying to catch him and get him into my 30Gallon... we'll see if I can



Active Member
My Bluespotted Watchman Goby. I also have a Tiger Pistol Shrimp, but they haven't paired yet. I just can't wait until they find eachother.