Goby/Firefish Question


Hi guys,
I have a firefish and a diamond spotted goby in my tank with some other fish. I noticed lately that these two will disappear for a few days and I usually find them together under a rock sharing one of the goby's burrows. My question is is this normal for them. They never paid each other any mind before and all of the sudden they are inseparable, is it possible they bonded? I am concerned because they spend more time hiding than they do out. Actually lately the goby stays hidden and the firefish makes occasional appearances. I know they are both goby species but do two different types of gobies usually bond?
Any ideas???


Originally Posted by damselz
Hi guys,
I have a firefish and a diamond spotted goby in my tank with some other fish. I noticed lately that these two will disappear for a few days and I usually find them together under a rock sharing one of the goby's burrows. My question is is this normal for them. They never paid each other any mind before and all of the sudden they are inseparable, is it possible they bonded? I am concerned because they spend more time hiding than they do out. Actually lately the goby stays hidden and the firefish makes occasional appearances. I know they are both goby species but do two different types of gobies usually bond?
Any ideas???
Hm, they share a burrow? That is unique! That is very interesting. Catch a pic of them coming out or both faces sticking out. It will be a great addition to the complexity of SW aquariums.


That is pretty normal, I have two firefish gobys who are always hiding out in their burrow together, they usually only come out when they are hungry and its feeding time...I have never heard cross breed nesting but since they are so closely related I would suspect it to be perfectly normal...if that answers your question...


Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
That is pretty normal, I have two firefish gobys who are always hiding out in their burrow together, they usually only come out when they are hungry and its feeding time...I have never heard cross breed nesting but since they are so closely related I would suspect it to be perfectly normal...if that answers your question...
Firefish are dartfish. They are very different from diamond gobies. They are not the same breed. They are not close in species at all. For them to nest together is new to me. Diamonds are not aggressive, but firefish can be.


I know they are not the same type of fish, they are just both in the goby family from what I have read on here. The only one that comes out is the firefish, the goby rarely makes an appearance. I worry that he may not be eating, the firefish wouldn't bring him food would it? He used to be the most active fish in my tank until this past week. Weird. I'll try to get a pic but I would have to move the rocks because they have a nice spot that they share


Originally Posted by damselz
I know they are not the same type of fish, they are just both in the goby family from what I have read on here. The only one that comes out is the firefish, the goby rarely makes an appearance. I worry that he may not be eating, the firefish wouldn't bring him food would it? He used to be the most active fish in my tank until this past week. Weird. I'll try to get a pic but I would have to move the rocks because they have a nice spot that they share
I doubt that the firefish is bringing him food, but who knows? Are you sure that the firefish is not just going into the opening of one of the gobies burrows? The burrows often have an opening at the other end as well. Have you seen them sitting side by side?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I doubt that the firefish is bringing him food, but who knows? Are you sure that the firefish is not just going into the opening of one of the gobies burrows? The burrows often have an opening at the other end as well. Have you seen them sitting side by side?
Yes they are hiding in the same spot. I picked up the rock and they were side by side. I have seen them together on more than one occasion. They are both out and about again but they retire to the same spot when the lights go out.
Love is blind...LOL


yunno, i have a purple firefish and a diamond goby and now that you mention it i do always see mine together too...they have this little rock they chill out under...weird!


Originally Posted by damselz
Yes they are hiding in the same spot. I picked up the rock and they were side by side. I have seen them together on more than one occasion. They are both out and about again but they retire to the same spot when the lights go out.
Love is blind...LOL
That is very cute!!