Goby Food


The last time I had a goby, and it bonded with my pistol shrimp, it got none of the food. The shrimp always took all the krill and the goby didnt get any flakes because he lived in the cave with the shrimp. If I got another one, would the same thing happen? The tank is a 50g instead of a 20 this time. If it isn't gonna happen, what goby to get? The shrimp is a tiger pistol shrimp...don't know if this affects it or not... :notsure:


Active Member
Are you sure they dont share? I thought that was the whole reason they buddied up. The shrimp warns the fish of danger and the fish collects food for them to eat. If not do like Duke said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
Are you sure they dont share? I thought that was the whole reason they buddied up. The shrimp warns the fish of danger and the fish collects food for them to eat. If not do like Duke said.
Yeah I thought that is what is supposed to happen too, although I have no experience with this. Although I thought it was maybe the Watchman gobies that were the danger looker-outers. :D


I have 4 prawn gobis and they are all doing well. I feed them freezer bar cyclop-eeze and live brine shrimp. They also manage to pull flakes out of the current once in awhile. I'm more concerned about the shrimp getting enough food.


the pistol gets food, and, because it is mostly nocturnal, the goby watches out. the goby waggles its fin when danger is near then darts in. te pistol gets food, but, now that the goby is dead, the pistol is doin just fine. i am worried now, the mini cuke i have decided to nasty up the water, just cuz the level was a little low. i havnt really seen him recently
i hope hes alive.